The International Maori Cultural Centre

News for May 2018

Tauranga Hikoi To Parliament

Posted on Friday 18th May 2018

On Tuesday the 15th of May a delegation of Maori from Tauranga Moana, which is on the central east coast of Aotearoa, completed a march to the Parliament buildings in Wellington. Their mission was to stop the fraud by the New Zealand settler servant government to steal their land and have it put into another tribal authority in Hauraki, which is further north of Tauranga. The Chiefs were very angry with the settler servant governments move to steal their land. The Wakaminenga O Nga Rangatira O Nga Hapu stand firmly behind Rangatira (Chief) Bob Rolleston, and Rangatira (Chief) Hauata Palmer. Not one more acre of land will be stolen and all land historically that has been stolen, must be returned. It is not negotiable and the land is not for sale or barter. All land under the department of conservation must be returned, all land under agriculture must be returned. All land under land corp must be returned. All land under lands and survey must be returned. All land under the councils must be returned. And all land stolen under public works must be returned. All Land stolen in the North Island and South Island of Aotearoa must be returned.