The International Maori Cultural Centre

News for February 2018

On the 1st of February 2018 the International Maori Cultural Centre was established.

Posted on Thursday 1st February 2018

The International Maori Cultural Centre, UCCLE, Brussels, was established 2018 as an inclusive organisation to represent the rights and aspirations of the Sovereign Maori Nation of Aotearoa (NZ).

Establishing the Foundation (IMCC) will provide a voice for all Sovereign Maori people to express on a world stage platform the freedom to speak the truth with no restraints from the media or governing entities, the freedom to share information about injustices directed at the Sovereign Maori Nation of Aotearoa (NZ) through all sectors of; Health, Education, Justice, Environment Impact, Employment, breaches of "Te Tiriti O Waitangi" (Te Tiriti O Waitangi) between Her Majesty the Queen in Right, Her Majesty the Crown in Right, the Monarch in Right, The Arms in Right against the Sovereign Maori Nation of Aotearoa (NZ). Each category has many breaches against the Sovereign Maori Nation which are numerous beyond the average comprehension.

Following the adoption of the United Nations "Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples" in 2007, this document gives indigenous people the ability to exercise their right to self-determination. They have the right to autonomy or self-governance in matters relating to their internal and local affairs, as well as ways and means for financing their autonomous functions. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions. (Article 4 and 5 DRIP). The Sovereign Maori People are legally and lawfully able to rebuild their Nation outside the existing settler servant governing entity.

The Foundation has a principal role to play in delivering these objectives and as part of its basic ethos is committed to environmental and economic sustainability, mutual prosperity and dignity for all Maori people. Beyond its core role the Foundation actively provides and promotes the provision of timely effective humanitarian assistance and sustainability of forests, waterways and wetlands. While following humanitarian principals of rejecting all forms of 1080 and/or other similar poisons. In so saying, the IMCC will look to the UN to have the organisation appointed as a UN watchdog group to promote life and sustainability of the same.

The IMCC will promote a course of action to remedy the disparity between Maori and Non-Maori by the New Zealand settler servant government through institutionalised racism and to acclimatise the Maori into the Anglo-Saxon way of life. This course will be to challenge the servant settler government in the court of human rights in Strasbourg, France; - for comments email us at: